Letters from the Psych Clinic - Patients Strike Back
Hello from Animated and Excitable Towers! Well, that was a long Christmas break! I regret that I am shamefully behind with my plans to rage-blog all that is wrong in the world of mental health research. I've not forgotten; I've only become more enraged with the passing of time and the publication of even more shite research! I hope to have the next #ResearchersAreRubbish installment up before the weekend is out. In the meantime, this is just a quick post to document the most delicious thread of the week on Mad Twitter. Everyone is writing imaginary missives to their GP, in the style of a psychiatrist's review letter, and it all started when Bibi (@GoodNewsFromBad) was dismayed by what she found in her psych notes... That's a new one. Psychiatrist notes say 'has no hair'. Do people often get statements saying 'has hair'??? — Bibi (@GoodNewsFromBad) April 3, 2019 Here's my letter to my GP about one of the first and most memorable psychiatris