Current Warning Signs: Animated and Excitable in Interpersonal Style

Welcome to Animated and Excitable!  

I'm known as @Rose_Annie_Flo on Twitter but I've started this blog because 
140 characters apparently just isn't enough for all the things I need to say.

I am a 40-something woman officially diagnosed with an "animated and excitable personal style" and I'm going to be blogging about my ridiculous-to-sublime journey through the mental health services.

Before anyone gives me the side-eye: when I said "officially diagnosed", I was not exactly kidding...

My Current Mental State is also sadly afflicted:

And don't say you haven't been warned... this blog is officially a high-risk read*.

I was offered Venlafaxine as a cure for "emotional lability" but I decided instead, after three years of feeling progressively silenced by the mental health service, that it was about bloody time I started feeling animated and excitable about life again. (And in any case, I'd already been properly diagnosed with ADHD 18 months previously, and I'd discontinued Venlafaxine once already under medical advice, so this was all rather strange in an assessment set up just to transfer my existing treatment from one CMHT to another...)

Besides, I'm not sure emotional lability means quite what this mental health professional thinks it does.  I ran my Overview Assessment through the 
Google Bullshit Translator and it suggested that:

Emotionally labile = Not sedated

Animated and excitable = Woman with opinions

I tend to agree. And so I've decided it's time to find my voice again and to begin to talk about the good, the bad and the bleeding ridiculous that is happening in our mental health services. Let the animation and excitement begin...

Next blog post will provide a closer look into the Mindfulness with ACT course from which came the "When in Doubt - Be a Dog!" therapeutic handout that I uploaded to Twitter last week. Feel free to join me for a trip down Memory Lane to the place that my mental health service journey first began in the Summer of 2013.

If you know me on Twitter, or if you've simply had the misfortune to stumble randomly upon my blog on your cyber-journey to somewhere that actually is exciting, please do say "Hello" in the comment box below.  I'll be leaping about with animated joy if I hear from you. 

*In case my mother stumbles on this blog, I should note: I only went 5 miles over the speed limit, honestly Mum.  And the traffic police were hiding behind a wall with a speed gun on a quiet Sunday morning - it was practically entrapment! I'm really not sure why the speeding ticket found its way into my otherwise unblemished, if somewhat animated and excitable psychiatric risk profile.


  1. I actually have tears of laughter in my eyes reading this. Looking forward to hearing more about your animated journey through mental health services

    1. Feel free to wet yourself laughing at my misfortunes, next post we'll be discussing the Mindful Art of Putting on Knickers.

      That's not a sentence I ever thought I'd write, back in my youthful 30s, but with age comes wisdom. ;)

  2. You sound like my sort of person ��

    1. Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment from another well-dressed critical thinker, rather than assume that you are an emotionally labile, reckless driver... ;)


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